Welcome to the Student Support Unit (SSU) at Hasmonean High School for Boys
Our SSU Team strives to ensure that the Additional Educational Needs of all our students are met. We provide support to students with a range of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), and English as an Additional Language (EAL). We aim to promote the opportunities and achievements of all in line with our whole school ethos. Liaison with staff and knowing our students is essential and with this in mind we meet the students, and visit their primary school before they join Hasmonean, in order to facilitate a successful transition to Secondary School.
The SSU team includes SEND teachers, EAL Co-ordinator, and LSA Educators, and the school works with a range of external specialists that support students at the school.
In September 2020, we introduced three new roles: an ADHD Mentor a Speech and Language Therapist, both one day a week, and an EAL Coordinator. This would is of the ‘ordinary available SEND provision’ being offered by the school.
The School offers the following to all student, with or without a SEND diagnosis:
- Year 7 literacy screening to all student starting at the school (if you are a late start, or starting in Year 8 you will still be screened) – extra time/reader/scribes recommendations are made based on any identified literacy-based needs.
- Year 9 literacy screening to assess who may or may not need extra time, readers, or scribes for their GCSEs or A’Levels. Extra testing will be given to qualifying students.
- Readers and scribes for GCSE or A’Level examinations
- Lexia, a computerised literacy program for all students in years 7 to 8, and lower set students in years 9, 10 , and 11.
Our SEND Information Report/Policy and Accessibility Policy can be found here
The Barnet ‘Local Offer’ can be located at https://www.barnetlocaloffer.org.uk/